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Vega test:


The veg test was developed in the 70's by two German doctors Helmut Schimmel and Peder-Georg Rademacher, and it is used to uncover the body's various imbalances.


The vegatesten is a further development of electroacupuncture and the machine is EU approved and registered as a medical product in line with ultrasound scanners.

VEGA is also EN ISO 9001: 2000 and EN 13485: 2000 certified


The vega test is based on measuring the skin resistance after stimulation of an acupuncture point.


The vegatesten is a test that measures the body's ability to absorb nutrients and excrete waste products, and measures whether the body is loaded with viruses, bacteria, toxins, heavy metals, fungi or mental shock, stress loads or whether the body is affected by electromagnetism from mobile phones and electricity. devices.


Alteration of skin resistance occurs when the nerve pathways produce an electrical skin reaction when an electrical frequency is transmitted through the connective tissue that is not functioning optimally.

The electrical frequency passes through the non-optimal range, which then provides an electrical response to the spinal cord and is returned via nerve pathways to the skin.

That is, by a targeted electrical provocation of an unbalanced area of ​​the body will create a change in the resistance of the skin.


Based on the Vega test, I offer you various advice on, among other things. diet, natural medicine, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, herbs and homeopathy to start a cleansing and / or rebuilding of a healthy balance for your body and psyche.



The healthy balance provides increased joy and quality of life.

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